
Leadership and Management Workshop

The workshop for female leaders of tomorrow

At management level and in entrepreneurship, the air is often very thin for women and it is not uncommon for us to find ourselves alone in our role.

The Leadership and Management workshop will provide you with a broad range of skills that will enable you to handle any professional challenge confidently and effectively. Become an entrepreneur and/or leader who leads with clarity, appreciation and trust and convinces her team not only with her ideas but also with her personality.

This integrative workshop aims to develop a deeper understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of leadership and to strengthen the essential skills and competencies required to plan, supervise and manage heterogeneous teams as well as projects.

For whom is this workshop just right?

The Female Business Workshops are generally available to anyone who wants to develop professionally. The content is aimed at a specific group of participants. But for whom exactly is the “Leadership and Management” workshop worthwhile?

For (aspiring) female professionals and managers at all business levels who want to strengthen their leadership skills as well as their appearance and develop professionally.

For female professionals and managers who are responsible for transformation processes, projects, program content, performance evaluations, knowledge transfer, innovation or change management processes within their company.

For female entrepreneurs who want to expand their leadership skills and, in addition to their professional expertise, also want to convince through their confident and self-assured appearance.

You would like to book this workshop for yourself or your employees?

Then I look forward to your inquiry.

Contents of the "Leadership and Management" workshop

The contents of the workshop at a glance:

  • Getting to know different leadership styles and their importance for the employees
  • Awareness of leadership behavior based on leadership situations from practice
  • Basic knowledge of leadership style appropriate to the situation
  • Targeted motivation of employees/staff members
  • Recognition, feedback and criticism as leadership tools
  • Creating creative spaces for yourself and your team
  • Designing a dense communication network with and between employees
  • Improvement of own communication skills
  • Recognition of disruptive factors and targeted conflict management

What you can expect from the workshop "Leadership and Management:

  • You will develop an understanding of the various methodological approaches to leadership and management.
  • Gain insight into topics related to critical analysis, interactive teamwork, and creativity and problem-solving processes
  • You will take away helpful tips and tools to strengthen and consolidate your credibility, appearance and authenticity
  • You learn to lead with confidence and to communicate without violence, so that you are not perceived as an authority but as a “leader
  • You will learn how to build a targeted (online) network of advocates and supporters
  • You’ll improve your strategic management skills by learning to make better decisions, lead collaboratively, delegate with confidence, and inspire your team with your ideas
  • Using best practice examples, you will learn which communication strategy leads to which reaction and how you can promote better work results through a more intensive understanding of the values and visions of your employees.
  • Gain knowledge on how to establish a team culture that is perceived as open and unified so you can achieve optimal performance across the organization.

You would like to book this workshop for yourself or your employees?

Then I look forward to your inquiry.

About the trainer

Kinga Bartczak

Kinga Bartczak is a multi-entrepreneur, organizational developer, trainer and mentor for companies and people who want to create real change in the world of work.

As an expert in mindset management and certified systemic coach, she has been advising female entrepreneurs as well as female specialists and managers throughout Germany since 2018 in the areas of organizational development, leadership culture and personal branding.

As a certified organizational developer and certified diversity trainer, she also works with her business partner Dennis Jantsch to support companies in change and awareness-raising processes.

With her successful female empowerment online magazine FemalExperts, she has managed to generate more attention for female leadership strengths and the topic of female empowerment. With FemalExperts Consulting, she goes one step further to implement the topics of female empowerment and diversity as part of the corporate strategy in an advisory and training capacity for organizations.

As an author, Kinga Bartczak has already written for national and international online magazines on trend topics such as personal branding, financial education, quiet quitting and women in entrepreneurship.

More about me.

For more information about me and my workshops, please visit:

XING Coaches-Logo - Kinga Bartczak-Female Empowerment Coach
Proven Expert

Request the workshop "Leadership and Management" now

I offer this workshop throughout Germany. I would be happy to come to you or your company. We will discuss the exact structure of the “Leadership and Management” workshop in an upstream director’s meeting.

I am glad to receive your inquiry.

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