What coaching for women supports you with

This coaching creates more self-confidence and trust in your own leadership and professional development. It helps you to trust yourself and your own leadership style better and to combine reflective thinking and intuition. Through the systemic approach, it strengthens your emotional intelligence and supports you in developing better psychological flexibility.

Do women lead and found differently?

Thanks to numerous coaching sessions, workshops and projects with women from business, science and trade, my answer is: No! Like their male colleagues, women are excellent managers and entrepreneurs. However, there is a significant difference due to their female gender. Women take on countless roles and combine different topics. The burden they have to carry is often much greater, as the expectations of politics, business and society have not previously allowed for the compatibility of these roles. For example, promotions offered are carefully weighed up with all their pros and cons, leadership qualities are regularly scrutinized and family is often seen as a knock-out criterion when setting up a company. But with all these considerations, “gender bias” and obstacles, it is becoming increasingly clear that we are in the middle of the “century of women”. For this reason, I offer my coaching for women specifically for female specialists and managers in order to create visibility, shape beliefs and a confident leadership role and take it on with self-assurance.

Contents in coaching for women

Let's start your professional journey together in Coaching for Women and discover together what inexhaustible possibilities will still open up for you.

Why there needs to be more female empowerment and coaching for women

It’s no secret that there is a large gender gap in leadership and corporate positions, but the reasons for this can be quite complex.

According to theWomen in the Workplace study by McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.org, women are doing great things – earning more degrees than men, demanding promotions and negotiating salaries at the same rate as their male counterparts.

Nevertheless, the proportion of women in management positions still has room for improvement, the gender pay gap has been stagnating for several years, and equality is an issue that will continue to occupy us for some time to come.

In such ambivalent times, it is not only a matter of talking about “female empowerment,” but also of providing women with targeted support and guidance on their path to professional and entrepreneurial success. Exactly at this point the coaching for women starts.

I specifically support female specialists and managers on their path to professional success. My coaching for women is ideally suited for this.

Proportion of women in management positions in Germany 2020: 29.5 percent
(Source: statista)

In 2020, women earned an average of 18% less per hour than men(German Federal Statistical Office).

Gender equality in Germany 2020: 66.9 out of 100 points(European Institute for Gender Equality)

Women face more hurdles as entrepreneurs and leaders

The obstacles that successful women have to overcome should also be addressed and tackled by companies. Awareness of unconscious bias should be raised and ensured from all sides so that women have equal opportunities for mentoring and advancement. However, some of the barriers come from preconceived “gender bias” and women’s own understanding of their roles.

1. unequal treatment

Female managers as well as entrepreneurs do not always have the same opportunities for advancement or equal consideration for projects and promotions. Becoming aware of these hurdles helps develop your own strategies to reduce the impact of this social reality on your career.

2. absence of mentoring

Mentors are essential in supporting and developing managers. It is particularly important for women to consciously build up this support in their career development. In the coaching for women we outline ways in which you can surround yourself with good mentors and benefit from their experience and constructive feedback.

3. unconscious bias

Unconscious bias is unfortunately our constant companion. These are learned stereotypes that we all develop about people-typically ethnicity, gender, social status, sexuality, job title, age, and body mass. We are unconsciously influenced by these prejudices. This means that we make rash as well as often unfair decisions without really being aware of it. With my clients, such biases occur repeatedly against themselves and from external parties, which is why they are worked on methodically in coaching.

4. impostor syndrome (also called imposter syndrome)

Already a study published in the 1970s(THE IMPOSTOR PHENOMENON IN HIGH ACHIEVING WOMEN) shows that women repeatedly doubt and downplay their abilities and qualifications, while men over-inflate theirs.

The result of this doubting and downplaying is that women are reluctant to take the lead on high-profile projects. They wait until they have more references, experience and training to show. Impostor syndrome is a form of self-sabotage.

In the coaching for women we find out together how you can trust your own voice. What we will work on specifically:

  • Building self-confidence
  • The recognition of strengths
  • Strategies for achieving goals

5. own posture and language

There are several ways women belittle themselves through their own posture and language. When women use diminishing speech patterns, they make themselves “mute.” These patterns often stem from a desire to be likable or a fear of being criticized. Classic phrases here can be:

  • “I’m not sure, but how about we do it this way?”
  • I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s the right strategy.”
  • “You know me, numbers are not my strong suit.”

Self-awareness is the antidote. Women need to be aware of how jumping into sympathy always comes at the expense of effectiveness and respect. In the coaching process, we practice communicating in a more straightforward way, based on their strengths and values.

6. overthinking

In my coaching sessions, I regularly observe that while women are more thoughtful in their actions, they also spend more time reflecting on missteps or perceived criticisms. Overthinking things takes emotional energy and triggers stress. It also leads women to get bogged down in internalizing perceived failures, which undermines resilience and self-confidence. Using reframing, we work to take decisive action and gradually control the issue of “overthinking.”

7. perfectionism

Women mistakenly think of the pursuit of perfection as a strength rather than the silent saboteur it often is. Perfectionism goes hand in hand with impostor syndrome. Similarly, female executives and entrepreneurs are often judged more harshly than men for their missteps.

In the joint coaching for women, we create awareness of the inner critic. Failure is part of every development. I help you embrace failure along with a growth mindset.

Let's start your professional journey together in Coaching for Women and discover together what inexhaustible possibilities will still open up for you.

The coaching for women who want to make more out of their (professional) life

What was a trendy term for success-driven managers a few decades ago is nowadays a value-adding enrichment for personal and professional development: business coaching.

As a certified coach, I know of course that a lot of charlatanry is practiced with this term, but a “real” coach knows his/her craft and the methodological competence becomes clear to the clients very quickly during the process.

I specifically support female professionals and executives as well as (aspiring) entrepreneurs on their way to professional and entrepreneurial success. My coaching for women is ideally suited for this.

The challenges in coaching for women

I know from my own experience what it’s like:

  • Having to find my way through the jungle of executives and expectations
  • Having to run against the repetitive mantra of regulations and standards on a daily basis
  • Find myself in different roles in the shortest possible time and take them on confidently without losing authenticity
  • Doubting your own abilities

Our topics in coaching for women

Together we look at coaching for women:

  • What values and experiences support your attitude
  • How to move confidently between management and leadership in your role without exhausting yourself in the eternal balancing act
  • How to act and argue purposefully in conflict situations
  • How they can use nonviolent communication to set strategic “nudges” (small incentives to change their own as well as others’ actions)
  • What strengths we can build on with you
  • What biases are holding you back from what you want to do and what strategies can help you achieve your goals
  • How to improve your negotiation skills
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step".
Lao Tzu

Let's start your professional journey together in Coaching for Women and discover together what inexhaustible possibilities will still open up for you.

Where does the coaching for women take place?

Coaching for women can take place entirely online (via Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Skype) or at your premises. Most female managers prefer the first option, as it is more flexible in terms of time and location and offers them a great deal of creative freedom.

Coaching is always agreed individually with each other. As a business coach, I create the structure and the methodological framework for this, but my clients have complete freedom to decide which thematic focus topics we devote ourselves to and in which framework they would like to help shape the collaboration in an agile and individual way.

If you want to develop confidently in your new role as a female specialist and manager or if you as a company want to strengthen your female employee in this role by investing in the joint coaching process and thereby opening up opportunities for her professional development, our coaching process is exactly the right step.

Request coaching for women now

No matter whether you want to develop confidently in your new role as a female executive or whether you want to take the leap into self-employment, in the joint coaching process we find and follow the right path.

What coaching for women supports you with

This coaching creates more self-confidence and trust in one’s own leadership as well as entrepreneurial development. It helps you to better trust yourself and your own leadership style and to combine reflective thinking and intuition. Through the systemic approach, it helps you strengthen your emotional intelligence and develop better psychological flexibility.

About the Business Coach Kinga Bartczak

Kinga Bartczak is a multi-entrepreneur, organizational developer, trainer and mentor for companies and people who want to create real change in the world of work.

As an expert in mindset management and certified systemic coach, she has been advising female entrepreneurs as well as female specialists and managers throughout Germany since 2018 in the areas of organizational development, leadership culture and personal branding.

As a certified organizational developer and certified diversity trainer, she also works with her business partner Dennis Jantsch to support companies in change and awareness-raising processes.

With her successful female empowerment online magazine FemalExperts, she has managed to generate more attention for female leadership strengths and the topic of female empowerment. With FemalExperts Consulting, she goes one step further to implement the topics of female empowerment and diversity as part of the corporate strategy in an advisory and training capacity for organizations.

As an author, Kinga Bartczak has already written for national and international online magazines on trend topics such as personal branding, financial education, quiet quitting and women in entrepreneurship.

More about me.

For more information about me and my business coaching services, please visit:

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