What is Female Business Coaching?

Female Business Coaching is a process as well as structure oriented consulting approach. Professional and entrepreneurial issues are addressed, with a particular focus on female clients.

Whether it is through the rediscovery of inner resources, the processing of previous beliefs or the intensive examination of one’s own inner team, which guides and advises one – the goals of Female Business Coaching are to create clarity as well as to offer help for self-help.

Analogous to Female Business Coaching, the terms Female Empowerment Coaching, Women Empowerment Coaching or Coaching for Women are used, which also thematically focus on female clients.

In contrast to the classic consultant, it is not the task of the Female Business Coach to give advice to her clients or to impart specialist knowledge. Rather, it is a kind of open vessel and supports in the form of dialogue to reflect challenges as well as to identify solutions independently.

My Female Business Coaching Approach

I have been working in the field of personal development for about ten years, seven of them intensively in the area of women’s advancement.

Whether as an entrepreneur, trainer, keynote speaker, publisher or female empowerment & business coach, the targeted support and promotion of women is a matter close to my heart, because we women are often underestimated, underappreciated and given far too little support and challenge.

I am the expert to help companies with this:

  • Promote your female specialists and managers in a targeted manner
  • Turning female employees into influential female corporate ambassadors
  • Develop trust and solution-oriented plans so that their employees can create value, lead inclusively and sustainably
  • Encourage your employees to plan and strategically align their professional career in a targeted manner

To dispel this misconception from the outset: No, women do not need “special treatment”, i.e. they do not need special support and they do not need to be helped to take their lives back into their own hands.

My clients are confident, educated and successful women who stand firmly in life.

Book your free initial consultation for Female Business Coaching now

Within our joint cooperation you will receive:

A structured way to analyze your challenges and target them in the next step.

The clarity, power and appreciation you deserve

A female business coach with over 12 years of professional experience and 7 years of consulting work in the field of women’s development.

Why women need support

It is noticeable, however, that women are often very reticent compared to the male gender when it comes to key issues in the professional/corporate world, which can ultimately be their undoing.

Thus, it is above all statements such as “I can assert myself well” (men: 45.4% to women: 39.1%) or “I usually count on success in what I do” ” (men: 56.3% to women: 45.1%) that are answered more positively by men. In the following statistics, it is only meeting new people that the female respondents rated more positively (51.5%).

Our self-confidence and beliefs

When it comes to the key issues of the professional world, such as success, assertiveness and conviction, we women try not to excel too much. Often this is done out of a false conviction of not living up to the expectation of others or not living up to one’s own expectation.

We throw ourselves into training or studies, try to conform to the appearance advocated by society, strive to fulfill all the prescribed roles equally well, and in the process put our own needs, feelings and desires in the background for years.

Sometimes we manage to escape society’s norms and not get sucked into the vortex of clichés and values, but then we increasingly stumble over our perfectionism or suffer from the so-called “impostor syndrome”. We feel an ever-deepening dissatisfaction within us that determines our whole (professional) life our actions and our attitudes.

Due to these inbred behaviors and the fact that the topic of equality has not yet arrived in all sectors of our lives, my Female Business Coaching is often the “game changer” that triggers the decisive change in my female clients.

You are good enough!

My wish is that every woman who attends my Female Business Coaching deeply internalizes the following statement by Anna Quindlen and always remembers it:

“After all those years of being a woman and hearing that I wasn’t thin enough, I wasn’t beautiful enough, I wasn’t smart enough, I didn’t have enough of this and I didn’t have enough of that … I woke up one morning and thought, I am enough.”

But which colorful phases does (professional) life bring with it that lead women in particular into a constant process of change and over which every confident woman can stumble from time to time?

  • Professional and personal orientation
  • Leaving or returning to the previous job (professional re-entry or also a lateral entry)
  • The change of your professional and private goals, wishes and needs
  • Founding a company as a female entrepreneur
  • Marriage and the associated question of financial independence
  • Starting a family (understanding of roles and reorientation)
  • Divorce (new strategic orientation of one’s own professional and private situation, often also dealing with firmly anchored beliefs)

Suddenly you find yourself in the middle of a new phase of life that challenges you in a new way. You develop new (professional/entrepreneurial) goals, want to strengthen your assertiveness at work, discover new opportunities for yourself or broaden your horizons.

Book your free initial consultation for Female Business Coaching now

Within our personal conversation you will receive:

A structured way to analyze your challenges and target them in the next step.

D he clarity, strength and appreciation you deserve

A Female Business Coach with over 10 years of professional experience and 5 years of consulting work in the advancement of women.

How can you imagine the process of Female Business Coaching?

  • Come together: Arrive, get to know each other, venture an initial location analysis together.
  • Orientation: We clarify which professional questions have been bothering you for a long time and which you would like to answer for yourself. In doing so, we work our way purposefully from the variety of questions to the actual core of your concern.
  • Analysis: Now it’s time to get down to business! We analyze, question, discuss and advise together on the options available to you in the solution process.
  • Change: We then initiate an individual change process. Individual, because it is at your pace, but not always painless. We actively enter the planning phase and look at where there are still doubts or stumbling blocks.
  • Harbour: A coaching process often comes to an end only formally. Together, we take stock of the situation, look at the progress and gain clarity about the direction in which things will now proceed specifically for you. They have gained clarity, implemented measures and are strengthened. The next step is to test the practicability of the measures developed and make any necessary adjustments.

Who is Female Business Coaching aimed at?

Female Business Coaching is aimed at:

  • Companies, organizations (public authorities, NGOs or public institutions) and universities that want to actively strengthen their female employees by investing in individual support.
  • Leaders and executives who are looking for exchange and supervision and who not only want support in the coaching process itself, but also a sparring partner for an exchange (coaching and mentoring approaches are then combined here)

Your individual Female Business Coaching

Would you like to position yourself professionally in a targeted and strategic manner, build up a sustainable network or do you need a sparring partner at eye level in your day-to-day business as a specialist and manager who looks at processes, conflicts and framework conditions together with you from a neutral perspective?
Then the female business coaching sessions are just right for you!

Arrange a free initial consultation now, because it’s time to stop walking the leadership path alone!

I look forward to meeting you!

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