
The entrepreneur

Female entrepreneurship as a clear mission

Successfully building a business and supporting female leaders are my driving factors. You can find more facts about me and my entrepreneurial work here:

You could say I “grew up professionally” with the advancement of women. Whether student equal opportunities officer, re-entry consultant or mentor at Humboldt University of Berlin (until 2024), during my professional and entrepreneurial life I have always been able to support women in their goals. So it is not surprising that I have found my calling as a Female Empowerment & Diversity Trainer.

Spontaneity is always in demand in business and sometimes an advantage. However, when I have the opportunity, I always work with lists of all kinds. Whether checklists, shopping lists, to-do lists, multiple calendars or workout plans – without lists I feel unstructured.

Many a one knows the eternal curse that the mind never comes to a standstill. For this reason, I not only have a whiteboard for my business ideas, on which spontaneous thoughts are immediately written down (and sometimes painted), but also a business vision board. This is always changed, expanded or completely renewed – the main thing is that the thoughts are manifested through visualization.

I waited 8 years to successfully complete my training as a systemic coach at the Institute of Applied Psychology. I have always been interested in psychology, even though I chose to study German & Political Science. However, the wish remained and came true. My education has been one of the best professional decisions so far. It not only changed my own life, but also laid the foundation for my self-employment.

I am the managing director of UnternehmerRebellen and FemalExperts. Together with my partner Dennis Jantsch, I founded both companies with the intention of inspiring the world of work, making people think and ultimately perhaps even revolutionizing it to some extent. We want to make agile organizational development and the topics of female empowerment and diversity central issues in the corporate world, because increased sick days, dissatisfied employees and “annual appraisal interviews” are a thorn in our side. We stand for value-adding and people-oriented efficiency, personal/professional development and joint success – as a partner at eye level and not as a service provider.

I love getting in front of people and inspiring them through workshops, speaking engagements, or participating in a panel discussion. What many do not know: I am always enormously excited before my “appearances”. I have very high expectations of myself and always want to give my best, so I always do some breathing exercises before such performances. These help me to get back to my message and step back from the inner ego.

Every woman, whether self-employed or not, should have a vision to carry her through life (and her business). My vision is that all people, no matter where they were born, no matter what religion, skin color, sexual orientation or social background they have, have the opportunity to develop their personal and professional potential. As a first step, I focus on the areas of female empowerment and diversity and strengthen companies not only in terms of content, but also structurally.

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