Private and Personal

Personal facts about me

You want to know more about me and my private side. Then you now have the chance to do so:

You probably already guessed it, I have intercultural roots. To be exact: I was born in Poland. I came to Germany at the age of five and also attended kindergarten and school here. When people ask me about my roots, I like to say: I was born in Poland, grew up in Germany and am at home anywhere in the world – I am a proud European.

I have been living happily together with my partner Dennis Jantsch, who is also my business partner, for 13 years now. We met during college and our paths have never parted since. We founded UnternehmerRebellen and FemalExperts together and run the majority of our workshops together. As a consultant duo, we are an unbeatable team because we are our strongest critics, our biggest advocates and our most inspiring role models.

I admit I never had much to do with either, but that changed radically four years ago. My morning routine since then includes a meditation exercise as a matter of course, because it makes me more focused and calm in my actions. I do sports at home, because my inner weakness is usually stronger than the will to go to the gym. So in the evening, I automatically throw on my gym clothes, roll out my yoga mat, and consider myself very cunning to have outsmarted myself with this strategy.

After struggling with myself for years, I decided to go vegetarian in January 2020. I have always eaten little meat (fish is much more difficult for me). However, since an Italian has been lost on me and you can enjoy pizza and pasta vegetarian super, I take it calmly and am happy to be able to contribute something for the welfare of animals.

Yes, I’d like to say I always drink a green tea or a healthy smoothie in the morning. The fact is, however, that my (brain) gears only get going when I have enjoyed the black gold beforehand. Well, at least I leave out the sugar. But a cappuccino with almond milk is not to be scoffed at.

In fact, I own very little useless stuff. When I moved from Aachen to Cologne with my partner, I was very happy that our new apartment was a lot smaller than the previous one. I shop by the rule that when something new moves in, something old has to go. I always put things back where they belong, because everything has its fixed place. My personal basic attitude here also became my professional one. More to the people, more quality, more transparency – The success was surprising even for me.

I am always extremely happy when my assignments take me to other places. New countries, other cultures and inspiring impressions are my secret passion. So I definitely put up with a little travel stress if it means I get the chance to explore a new place in this beautiful world and work with exciting female clients. I try to travel as sustainably as possible, because sustainability is an essential value for me not only in business but also in my private life.

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