Diversity Workshop

Diversity as a success factor: Why companies should focus on diversity

We live in a global and diverse world and the topic of female empowerment has long since been expanded to include a far-reaching, value-adding component: the topic of diversity is increasingly moving onto the agenda of many companies.

  • But what does it actually mean for a company to become more diverse?
  • What challenges do we face if we also focus on the following indicators within our collaboration: gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social background, religion/belief, physical/mental abilities or ethnic background/nationality?
  • What do employees really want and how can we incorporate their perspectives into our corporate strategy in the long term?
  • What sensitization options are there and how can you learn to expose and overcome your own “unconscious bias”?

We will address these and other questions together in the diversity workshop.

This is what the diversity workshop is all about:

  • Clarify diversity as a concept and make it tangible for the participants
  • Get an overview of the 7 core dimensions of diversity
  • To receive awareness and skillset training so that experienced knowledge can also be passed on in a practical way
  • Discover your own gender & unconscious bias and discuss it with each other in a safe space
  • To find unity as a team in its diversity, because more unites us than divides us.
  • In a further step, create the basis for consolidating the knowledge gained within a sustainable diversity management strategy and implementing it as an integral part of the corporate culture

Understanding and living diversity: Request our interactive workshop now and strengthen your corporate culture.

Our promise at the Diversity Workshop

Diversity training is not a feel-good event. This is about prejudices, fears, beliefs and reservations about others (and sometimes also about oneself).

As trainers, we want to create a space in which people are not judged, can speak openly and can discuss things with each other in a trusting environment. Of course, we will agree on a common set of rules for this, because even a critical discussion should always remain respectful.

With us, there is always the possibility of a “second chance”. We are the result of the structures and conditions in which we grew up. Sometimes this leads to thoughts and statements that only reveal their hurtful or prejudiced nature at second glance. For this reason, there is always the possibility of a second chance in our workshops, because we all have “unconscious bias” and our goal should be to stay in the conversation and address it when something is hurtful or to speak up when you don’t feel understood.

Framework conditions of the Diversity Workshop

Duration of the workshop:

The Diversity Workshop lasts 1-2 days, depending on your individual needs and the previously agreed content.

Suitable workshop format:

Up to 20 participants can be trained in the workshop. This can take place on your premises or at a location chosen by us.

Our workshop methods:

  • Short impulses
  • Best practice examples
  • Individual and group work
  • Discussion formats (small groups and plenary)
  • Reflection exercises and change of perspective
  • Sensitization exercises
  • Constellation work, mediation and team coaching

Who is the Diversity Workshop suitable for?

Within the Diversity Workshop, all people are explicitly welcome, regardless of gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social background, religion/belief, physical/mental abilities or ethnic origin/nationality.

We conduct our diversity training as a trainer duo. We have experienced some dimensions ourselves as those affected (social background, gender, ethnic origin, age, etc.), in others (gender identity, physical/mental abilities, ethnic origin, especially with regard to racism or religion/belief) we see ourselves as allies.

Our aim is to bring diversity to life for you through knowledge transfer, methodological expertise, interactive group exercises and a lively discussion.

Diversity Workshop-Lego
Photo: unsplash - James A. Molnar

Promote diversity and inclusion in your company. Enquire now about our specialized diversity workshop.

About the trainer

Kinga Bartczak

Kinga Bartczak is a multi-entrepreneur, organizational developer, trainer and mentor for companies and people who want to create real change in the world of work.

As an expert in mindset management and certified systemic coach, she has been advising female entrepreneurs as well as female specialists and managers throughout Germany since 2018 in the areas of organizational development, leadership culture and personal branding.

As a certified organizational developer and certified diversity trainer, she also works with her business partner Dennis Jantsch to support companies in change and awareness-raising processes.

With her successful female empowerment online magazine FemalExperts, she has managed to generate more attention for female leadership strengths and the topic of female empowerment. With FemalExperts Consulting, she goes one step further to implement the topics of female empowerment and diversity as part of the corporate strategy in an advisory and training capacity for organizations.

As an author, Kinga Bartczak has already written for national and international online magazines on trend topics such as personal branding, financial education, quiet quitting and women in entrepreneurship.

More about me.

For more information about me and my workshops, please visit:

XING Coaches-Logo - Kinga Bartczak-Female Empowerment Coach
Proven Expert

Request the Diversity workshop now

Are you interested in a diversity workshop? Then please get in touch with us.

If you would like to find out more about diversity, delve deeper into the topic and discover the variety of diversity issues, then take a look at FemalExperts Consulting. Here you will find consulting and training with an uncompromising focus on diversity.

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