Professional Networking" Workshop

It's time to professionalize your networking methodology

  • Want to learn how to move confidently in a group and become a point of attraction that everyone wants to connect with?
  • You know that networking is crucial, especially in a professional context, but you don’t know where to start?
  • Would you like to strengthen your positive communication and learn how to conduct networking conversations with confidence?
  • Would you like to master the art of networking so well that it comes easily to you to convince others of you and your skills?
  • As a professional and manager and/or as an entrepreneur, you would like to build sustainable business relationships, which do not only consist of “system entries”, but of network participants?
  • Would you like to use your network for cooperations, orders and marketing/personal branding in the future?
  • Want to gain insight into social selling methodology?

If you only answered YES to one question, the “Professional Networking” workshop is just right for you.

However, I would like to clarify one thing directly:

The first step to learning how to network effectively is to stop thinking of it as “work” or a necessary evil.

To network is to build sustainable and professional relationships.

Building relationships the right way can raise your profile and awareness of yourself and/or your business.

In this workshop, you will learn when and how to network and learn best practices to be successful online and offline.

Who is this workshop for?

To (aspiring) female professionals and managers at all levels of business who want to strengthen their networking skills and develop professionally.

To female professionals and executives who are interested in Higher Process Communications (communication at the highest level) and want to actively use it for their professional success and/or the success of their company.

To female entrepreneurs who want to expand their networking skills in order to stand out not only professionally through good performance and expertise, but also through their confident and self-assured appearance.

You would like to book this workshop for yourself or your employees?

Then I look forward to your inquiry.

Contents of the "Professional Networking" workshop

The contents of the workshop at a glance:

  • Networking as a success factor for your professional/entrepreneurial success
  • Strategy development to build a sustainable network online and offline
  • Reflection on your own presentation
  • Positive and negative attraction in the network context
  • Development of a professional communication strategy
  • Active listening, empathy and emotional intelligence as indicators of professional network work
  • Sharpening your own profile within the framework of the Elevator Pitch

This workshop focuses on interactivity and a high variety of methods

People learn best when informative content can be “experienced” through practical implementation. For this reason, the Professional Networking workshop is based on an interactive approach that includes role plays, case studies and group discussions in small groups. These can be displayed offline as well as online via video conference.

The workshop also draws on the latest models from communication psychology (Friedemann Schulz von Thun/ Marshall B. Rosenberg) and social selling methodology.

You will receive innovative training methods and a results-oriented implementation in which interventions by the participants are explicitly desired. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to answer the following questions with ease:

  • How do I build a network?
  • How do I make the first contact?
  • Which networking activities are worthwhile and which are not?
  • How do I prepare for a networking event?
  • What network errors should I avoid at all costs?
  • How do I get to the right network people?
  • What network etiquette should definitely be followed?
  • Which talking points and opening lines work best and which don’t?
  • How do I end a conversation in a respectful way?
  • How can I effortlessly build a strong network and develop my own networking strategy?
  • How do I network in social networks and offer my products sustainably?

Bottom line: want to expand your network and interact more sincerely with your contact – to connect, not compete?

Then my networking workshop is the right place for you!

You would like to book this workshop for yourself or your employees?

Then I look forward to your inquiry.

About the trainer

Kinga Bartczak

Kinga Bartczak is a multi-entrepreneur, organizational developer, trainer and mentor for companies and people who want to create real change in the world of work.

As an expert in mindset management and certified systemic coach, she has been advising female entrepreneurs as well as female specialists and managers throughout Germany since 2018 in the areas of organizational development, leadership culture and personal branding.

As a certified organizational developer and certified diversity trainer, she also works with her business partner Dennis Jantsch to support companies in change and awareness-raising processes.

With her successful female empowerment online magazine FemalExperts, she has managed to generate more attention for female leadership strengths and the topic of female empowerment. With FemalExperts Consulting, she goes one step further to implement the topics of female empowerment and diversity as part of the corporate strategy in an advisory and training capacity for organizations.

As an author, Kinga Bartczak has already written for national and international online magazines on trend topics such as personal branding, financial education, quiet quitting and women in entrepreneurship.

More about me.

For more information about me and my workshops, please visit:

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Proven Expert

Request the workshop "Professional Networking" now

I offer this workshop throughout Germany. I would be happy to come to you or your company. We will discuss the exact structure of the “Professional Networking” workshop in a preliminary director’s meeting.

I am glad to receive your inquiry.

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