Kinga Bartczak – Female Empowerment & Diversity Trainerin aus Köln
Unternehmerin, Trainerin, Beraterin und Speakerin
More women in management positions make companies more successful. The (digital) economy needs more diversity and the skills and knowledge of women. New Work and digitization offer great opportunities in this regard.
This guide puts the topic of “Female Leadership” at the center of the New Work movement. Learn how trusting and empathic leadership will change your business for good.
Only those who manage to gain a foothold in the company and put themselves in a position to act effectively on all sides – vis-à-vis colleagues, superiors and subordinates – can fulfill their position to the full. The way to get there depends on the corporate culture, the position, the processes and on one’s own leadership personality.
With the help of the Female Leadership-Guide you identify the psychological and interpersonal dimensions and dynamics in your team and there is an examination of your own standing and your unused possibilities as a female leader.
Working women are underrepresented as executives relative to their overall share of the workforce. In medium-sized companies, the proportion of women in top management is higher than in large companies. Nevertheless, according to a statista survey from 2020, only just under 14.7% make it into the executive suites of German DAX companies.
Women in management positions make the company more successful. At least that is the conclusion of a 2016 study by the Peterson Institute for International Economies, which evaluated nearly 22,000 companies from 91 countries. According to the study, companies that increase the proportion of women on the boardroom floor generate 15 percent more net sales.
It is therefore obvious that “female leadership” is an area that must gain in importance for companies.
There are still a few hurdles to overcome to ensure that female executives are not just talked and written about in theory.
We follow role models and can identify with them. In the business world, this is no different. Young women in particular need female leaders they can look up to. But women are not the only role models needed here. We would also like to see the male CEO dialing into a video conference from the home office as he takes care of the offspring on an equal footing. The Role Models of our generation, regardless of gender, should work equally to ensure that more women take on leadership positions.
Corporate culture sets the pace for the advancement of female executives. Conservative values and rigid hierarchies prevent all employees from developing their full potential. As an entrepreneur, it is therefore important to strengthen the personal responsibility of its employees, to encourage them at all times, to act as a mentor and to cultivate an open and diverse culture.
I would like to go one step further and encourage all decision-makers to integrate equality and diversity as an integral part of their corporate strategy. Ensure that diversity and female leadership are reflected in corporate, departmental and team goals. Develop a clear strategy on how the company can achieve or maintain more diversity and female leadership. Conduct targeted recruiting of women, develop continuing education offerings, establish (gender) training and coaching, and create networks for company-wide exchange among women.
Companies that enable a work-life balance through flexible working hours, home office options and support from superiors strengthen their employer branding and employee satisfaction in the long term. These offers should likewise apply explicitly to men. If we take a closer look at the role model function of men, we can see that such models for parenting or part-time work must become the norm.
Be open and transparent with the plans as well as the culture of equality in your company. When diverse teams are no longer the exception but the norm, employees are more likely to feel encouraged to take their best place on the team – whether as a professional or a supervisor. With these framework conditions, it is generally easier for companies to bring women into management.
This guide puts the topic of “Female Leadership” at the center of the New Work movement. Learn how trusting and empathic leadership will change your business for good.
And our future will be more humane the more women and men work on being someone who works on themselves first.
It is not an easy path, as we will break with old thought patterns and question the structures that have accompanied us all our lives.
We are used to being led by men. Female leadership can also show the way for men. In this way, we can meet where understanding succeeds and where we all become leaders as soon as our own competence is affected.
I coach executives and businesswomen in “Female Leadership”, confident appearance and empathic leadership strategies. After all, companies need leaders who make an impact, earn respect, and use it to drive success internally.
For women, this means in concrete terms: How do you play eye-to-eye with the alphatians in a male-dominated business world while remaining true to yourself? The answer to this: Women need to gain respect by building their own leadership. This includes appearance & aplomb, but also dealing with employees and using networks. In executive coaching, you will learn where your strengths and weaknesses lie and how you can strengthen respect and thus your position in the company through concrete behavior.
One-on-one coaching offers the opportunity to work intensively on your own situation. Be it for a coaching of one’s own appearance in terms of impact and sovereignty, reduction of fears or a deep dissolution of beliefs that can be used strategically within one’s own company. With one-on-one coaching, you advance your career in a targeted manner.
As a Female Empowerment and Business Coach, I compete:
I will be happy to advise and accompany you on your way to becoming a confident and reflective leader.
Then I look forward to your feedback. I will consider your feedback in future updates of the guide. Feel free to write me at
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