The Success Women Checklist

The checklist for your personal success:

With mindfulness to more serenity

The Success Women Checklist supports you in dealing better with everyday stress. Use them purposefully to let more mindfulness into your life.

Increase your health thanks to new habits

Exercise and a healthy diet are the core factors for a healthy life. Find out what else you can do to ensure your long-term health in the Success Women Checklist.

Finally get started this year

With the checklist, the wait is over. Review your previous habits as well as beliefs and live the way successful people do every day.

The basic principle of success

Do you ever wonder why other women just have more success in business than you do? We all have the same time (24 hours) per day and yet it seems as if you have just enjoyed your first coffee, while others are already attending your third appointment. The basic principle of a successful professional life is quite simple: If you want to live like a successful person, you need to think and act like a successful person and this starts with changing your habits. When I started my business, I didn’t realize that I was still doing it with the mindset of an employee. Accordingly, daily routines, to-do lists and thought patterns were the old ones, while my assignments, challenges and offers were new and unfamiliar. I didn’t want to just share my experiences, I wanted to give you a gift and that came in the form of my personally designed for you Success Women Checklist .

Time for a change of direction

“I wish I’d had this support when I first started out on my own, because it would have saved me some doubts, unstructured daily routines, and anxiety.”

This list is intended for everyday use. It helps you gain clarity, feel more confident in your daily routine, and bring structure to your workflow.

It was important to me here that the tasks remain manageable, because entrepreneurship means flexibility, quick decision-making and jumping into “ice cold water”. Accordingly, this list must also be applicable if you spontaneously receive an appointment for the same day in the morning or your loved ones (family, friends, etc.) suddenly need your attention.

Every day contains the chance to turn your life in a different direction. You just have to have the courage to change something, even if it is “only” your own daily structure.

Yes, I have the courage, give me the success women checklist

How can you use the checklist?

The checklist is divided into three parts and can be used for the period of 4 weeks. Especially in the second part you can become active yourself and thus determine your own successful new life. I am happy to receive your feedback.

12 steps to success

You start with the research of the individual points and can already check here which areas are revelant for you. So it is not about completeness or the claim of permanent optimization. Rather, you can check here which points you want to actively address.

Get into action

The next step is to implement the points that are in shortage. In the Success Women Checklist you have enough space for this to document your progress. Since the checklist is designed for 4 weeks, you should have a little patience and constantly appreciate successes.

Reflect on your changes

The third and final step involves reflection and the associated eco-check of the implemented measures. If the new habits do you good, keep them. If it demands too much energy from you, then another adjustment is needed.

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