Who am I and where do I want to go? Develop your own vision of life and everything becomes possible.
Kinga Bartczak
Do you know these Situation?
- You wake up in the morning with a stomach ache when you think about your day at work.
- You are tired and drained and lack the necessary strength to pursue your activity with energy and passion.
- You’ve repeatedly tried talking to your superiors, handing off tasks, or changing the workspace altogether, but nothing has brought your smile back.
- You constantly lack motivation and find that you are doing monotonous and repetitive things whose meaningfulness you do not see.
- They develop bad habits, such as lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits, insomnia, and stress-related symptoms, such as anger, anxiety, or resignation.
Some of these situations are experienced once, others seem to be a repetitive whirlpool of a sense of duty, fatigue and a emotional roller coaster.
Ultimately, you have only one option to change this state of affairs:
Get involved in the change
Staying in your current job will not only continue to make you unhappy, you will never be able to reach your full potential in life.
You find this view too radical? Very good, because that means we are knocking on the door behind which is your comfort zone and whose main inhabitant is your fear.
Imagine the following situation:
You get up in the morning, jump out of bed and are excited to go to work. You work more than an average person on the outside, but you don’t notice it at all because time seems to fly by and has taken on a whole new meaning for you.
They are often in a state of mind that is often is called “flow” (a kind of “flow of thoughts”), in which you keep track of about the world and time and lose yourself in the task at hand. can lose. For you, work is not a feat of strength, but something that is fun to do. makes, is interesting and exciting.
The tasks you complete are not simply a “job” but a passion.
If you have a job you don’t like or even hate, this sounds like a pipe dream to you. And if you never make an effort to find your passion, you are right: such a thing will never be possible!
Start dreaming again!
But what would happen if you dare to dream again? What would be different if you could see all the possibilities that lie before and within you? What if you actually dare to look for what you love?
I’ll tell you: This is how a possibility becomes a goal and ultimately a vision of life. You will find your way back to yourself and everything else will develop all by itself.
So, what should you do? How do you find your personal passion in life? How do you develop your individual life vision that guides and inspires you?
This is exactly the question I asked myself years ago and for this reason I developed a checklist with 9 points, on the basis of which I found my vocation as well as my life vision at that time.
I would like to give you this checklist as a gift, because I know how hard it is to get out of a golden “safety cage”. to get out, even if the gate is open.
How to develop your own life vision in 9 steps
1.combine play with passion
Is there something you have always wanted to have done?
Do you have a hobby or something you like to do as a child liked to have made?
Whether it’s reading comics, reading to make music, to paint, to collect something, to create or to build – Here are the foundations of your imagination and intrinsic motivation.
2. combine passion with knowledge
When I get excited about something, I read about it for hours. I buy books and magazines. I watch videos and listen to podcast about it just to learn more about this topic. No matter which medium you choose, use all the knowledge at your disposal. Surf the web for opportunities, watch videos, seek out role models to learn from their experiences and how you shaped an idea into a life vision. The more opportunities and inspiration you find, the more likely you are to find your true passion.
3. combine knowledge with methodology
A simple and effective way to structure the above concepts is classic brainstorming. Do you have a thinking block? Take pen and paper to hand and simply write down ALL thoughts that come to your mind, completely in the unclean, without claim to completeness. Look around your house, computer, garden, or bookshelf for inspiration and take each thought without judgment.
4. combine methodology with communication
Get out there with the ideas you wrote down above. Whether with a piece of paper, a notepad or a vision board – let third parties immerse themselves in your world of thoughts and invite them to actively participate in your “thought experiment”. You are also welcome to use my specially developed method for this, the so-called “Himawari Principle“. It helps you define your values, feelings, needs and the crucial external indicators that form the foundation of any idea.
5. combine communication with security
For many, the leap into the unknown is too radical. So listen hard within yourself to find out which path is right for you. is.
When you find your calling, your passion do not hand in your notice the very next day. Develop Instead, you should develop an appropriate business plan, which will provide you with the necessary Security offers. Either you compose this and then generate yourself the appropriate start-up capital or you initially start on a part-time basis. The only important thing is to get into action and always talk about it. How to feel You put yourself more in the “duty”, because there are enough “confidants”. waiting for your big moment.
6. combine safety with courage
Jump a little more every day. A first interview, the first business cards, maybe a video on social media. Step out of your comfort zone with courage every day. What helps to work on your personal vocation every day (besides “bread job”, family, friends etc.) is the good old to-do list. But be careful: don’t overdo it here. Start with three to-dos a day for a few weeks at first, whether they take an hour or five minutes to complete. Simply use the remaining time to develop new ideas. Only after a few weeks (about 4-6) increase your list to five items.
7. combine courage with research
Find other people in your area, your circle of friends or on the Internet, who do what you do professionally would like and interview them about their job and duties.
How much do they earn? What training and further education have they completed? What skills are necessary? How did they start? What recommendations do they have? Often you will find that people are more than willing to give you information, because everyone values sincere interest in their own person as well as their own independence. Sometimes at this point, we also discover (much like in young adulthood) that even positions we thought we knew how to hold and perform, in reality encompass completely different areas of responsibility.
8. connect research with action
It’s a common fallacy, that people are successful in certain areas only because they have talent. In reality, it is the constant repetitions of a thing that make a layman become a professional. When I do my craft not only learn and understand it, but apply it constantly, I will also achieve expert status. In your childhood, it may have been a playful interest, a hobby in your youth, now you can use your passion into a vision of life by actively making it your own. make and achieve expert status.
To say one thing up front, you don’t have to be an expert in your field after 20 years of experience. Take a look at the topics of artificial intelligence, blockchain, neurobusiness or smart robots. Decades of experience are hard to come by here because of the young disciplines. At some point, the phrase: “I’ve been doing this for …. years” will no longer matter, because the counter question will always be: “What is the value of your work now, what trends and methods can you apply in the current context?”.
So knowledge and experience are good and important, but don’t be afraid to feel “ignorant” in your field at times. This is exactly the attitude you need to learn new things and be open to what the future still holds for you.
9. combine action with constant motivation
Some people manage to do all of the above points and still not knowing in which direction it will take you professionally.
And you know what: that’s okay! Sometimes you have to sleep a night over it or you let your own list(s) lie Then, when you happen to look at it again, the one idea often comes, which one has tried spasmodically to hold on to mentally before.
Sometimes you may have found something you’re passionate about, and after a few weeks you suddenly realize that it’s probably not a passion that will translate into a career after all.
No problem! Start again from front and find a new passion. There can be more than one Give passion in your life, so explore all possibilities.
Or maybe you’ve found your passion, but haven’t managed to make a living from it? Don’t give up. Keep going and try again until you succeed. Success is not easy. Giving up early is a sure way to fail. So stay persistent and always remember your inner drivers. These can be on the outside, like your family, friends, etc., or on the inside, like the desire for self-determination and freedom.
I wish you much success and strength with your life vision
What I’ve outlined here is a lot of work … but it will be the best investment you ever made. Follow your passion and you will be happy and fulfilled.
I wish you that your wildest dreams come true!
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If you would like to learn more about Female Empowerment, I invite you to visit my business blog FemalExperts for inspiration and confidence.